Processing the Digital Image [PDF Book]

New in 2nd Edition: Besides the updating of grammar, facts, figures, and links… new topics have been added and some existing topics have been updated:
[New Section] Semi-Global Adjustments; Masking; Sharpening, Noise Reduction, Non-Destructive Workflow; Optimum Digital Processing. [Updated] Tone Mapping; The Lightroom / Photoshop Handshake; Setting Lightroom Develop Defaults
xThis book discusses important aspects of processing the digital image; raise your awareness of tonal relationships and how to selectively adjust these areas. It is not a "how to" but more of a "what tools to use and when to use them."
xBob will introduce "the 4-Phases" of processing the digital image that will lead you to your "Artistic Vision".
xThe processing "tips" in this book are not software specific and range from simple to advanced. They will affect the way you process and present your digital photography".